Is Hindu A Dying Race
This is a book by a renowned thinker and ideologue of R.S.S. Dr. Rakesh Sinha. He has chosen three books for his work on the alarming issue of decreasing population of Hindus in comparison with that of Muslims. These books are Hindus - A dying Race by Col. U.N. Murkherji (a collection of his letters in 1912), Hindu Sangathan – A savior of dying Race by Swami Shradhanand and self-abnegation in politics by R.B. Lachand. While Col. Mukherjee takes a note of population issue in Bengal, at the same time, Swami Shradhanand and R.B. Lalchand have dealt with this issue in Punjab. The book contains a long prologue by Dr. Sinha, in which he explains the rationale behind choosing these books. The book gives a very clear picture of effects of population imbalance on the Indian society.
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